United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) declared 17th May as the Worldwide Recycling Day, a day to remember the importance of REDUCE, REUSE AND RECYCLE.

It has gained popularity every year as a key date for raising environmental awareness, joining more countries to the spread of information about the management of different types of waste.

Recycling saves our natural resources, reduces contamination, generates employment, and contributes to reverse the climate change. It is important that we continue making efforts to recycle all the waste materials, such as cans, plastics, paper, glass, and construction and demolition waste (C&DW). In this way, we can reduce oil and water consumption, CO2 emissions, and energy consumption, while preventing excessive waste.

By raising the awareness of the need to avoid purchasing wrapped products, dispose all what is no longer useful in the relevant collection points, and increase the use of recycled products, we minimize our footprint, and we play our part in creating a more sustainable world.